Title: Inked Pairing: House/Cameron Table: #44 Circle. . Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 2,686 Summary: House catches a glimpse of Cameron's tattoo. How close will he get to seeing it? Disclaimer: Not mine. So stop rubbing it in. For:
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Title: Satisfaction Pairing: House/Cameron/Wilson Rating: NC-17 Table: #94. Get Together Word Count: 4,682 Summary: House promises Cameron a night of satisfaction... Disclaimer: Not mine. So stop rubbing it in. For:
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Title: Emily Pairing: Hugh/Jen Rating: NC-17 Table: #22. Children. Word Count: 4,072 Summary: "Future-Fic" Jennifer is hiding something from Hugh...what can it be? Disclaimer: Not mine. So stop rubbing it in. For:
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Title: Refrain from touching Prompt: 30 Rock, Jack/Liz Rating: PG Table: #38.Touch Word Count: 398 Disclaimer: Not mine. So stop rubbing it in. Summary: "His touch makes her shutdown. Period. "